A future full of possibilities...
BACO is a registered charity and a wholly voluntary organisation. We aim to help offenders break their cycle of criminal behaviour and re-integrate back into society.

FIND OUT MORE >The costs of re-offending
READ THE NEWS >Words of thanks from grant recipients
I would like to write to and thank you for the grant for clothing and feedback for your donors on the positive impact the grant has made for me. I have been in prison since November 2023 and other than the clothes I was wearing when arrested the only clothes I have had , have been prison issue or hand-me-downs. Thanks to your grant I have been able to get a few outfits that have benefitted me in a number of ways. They have helped me distinguish myself and provide a feeling of individuality where it can be lacking. It can be hard enough in prison anyway but this feels worse if you are the person on the wing who is wearing the same grey jumper and jogging bottoms every day. I thank you and especially your donors who have helped make, what is the worst time of my life a bit more bareable.
HMP/YOI Aylesbury
December 2024
‘Thank you for supporting me with donations to help fund items I am in need of. Its great to know there are people who are willing to support people like me in times of need. Thanks a lot to BACO and its donors.’
HMP/YOI Aylesbury
November 2024
‘Thank you so much for donating me £80 towards my guitar, I have been using a guitar that Chapel have donated but it is very basic for beginners and to play guitar on the Sunday services. With the prices going up and not having much money due to being on a course and not working I don’t have the money so this donation is going to get me a decent guitar to play my worship songs in the Chapel. So thank you once again. God bless you all.
HMP/YOI Aylesbury
November 2024
‘Thank you so much, this will go a long way, music is the cure, I believe and the clothes make me feel like me again’.
HMP/YOI Aylesbury
November 2024
‘Thank you very much for your recent letter. I hope you and your colleagues at BACO are all in the best of health and full of happiness, AMEN!
I cannot thank you enough for the blessing of your charity an the funds your organisation has granted me so I can purchase some footwear and a winter coat.
Your support in helping me purchase these things, I would not have been able to get on my own, has helped me on this journey of change and given me self-respect, dignity and above all the feeling that people care for me even after committing an offence. You have believed in me and shown that everyone has value and needs the opportunity to change’.
HMP Grendon
December 2024
I got transferred from another jail and some clothing was mislaid. I am so thankful for the BACO grant. It has taken the worry away from me as I don’t have to put pressure on loved ones. So thank you for the kindness from all the folk who make this possible. Much love and prayers. God is Good!
HMP/YOI Aylesbury
Nov 2024
‘Thank you and BACO charity for the grant and you have made me very happy, so I would just like to write you a small letter of appreciation and to show my only means of gratitude with a bit of feedback as to how your grant has made me feel about myself and the amazing work that you do. I have made my order today for new clothing and shoes and I know it will give me some confidence back and make me walk around with a smile and a feel good factor. I quietly surprised to see that there are kind generous caring people in the world with big hearts.’
September 2024
‘I just want to say thank you for helping me again by offering a BACO grant. I’m not someone who has outside help with money so to be able to buy some nice clothes and a stereo has been a tremendous help. So thanks a lot.’
HMP Grendon
September 2024
” Just a quick note to say thank you very much to BACO for kindly donating £80 for me to buy some new clothes, I ordered these at the end of June and received them about three weeks ago. I feel really good being able to wear some of my own clothes instead of wearing prison issue all the time. Once again many thanks.”
August 2024
HMP Grendon
‘TP is a sixteen year old who was bereaved of his mother two years ago. he has very low self-esteem, emotional mental health difficulties and also significant learning needs as well as physical health needs. He is also a young carer for his father who has a serious heart condition.
Thank you again for your invaluable support for this young person. Your finance has enabled him to feel confident and worthy of participating in his school prom with his friends and peers and to leave school with the confidence to move on to college in September. He and his father tell me that he is now feeling very positive about his future. ‘
July 2024
Buckinghamshire Youth Offending Officer
“It was nice to speak to you Ruth in our wing meeting on B Wing on May 10th, my birthday. So when you also told me I’d been approved for a grant. That made me really happy, I am also very thankful to everyone involved in the decision to help me for the blood pressure monitor and hair clippers. What an amazing and very kind charity. The items I asked for are always helpful, such as the heart rate monitor watch that I use nearly every day as I workout. So thank you Ruth and all BACO donors, who have helped me and others here.”
May 2024
HMP Grendon
“I would like to thank you for the support that BACO and its members have given me, it has helped me so much. Because of the support you have given me I can participate in physical exercise that’s on offer here and join in with charity fundraising events, and it boosted my positive mental health, and given me a positive outlet and drive.”
June 2024
HMP Grendon
‘Thank you for helping me to have some clothes. I think helping prisoners who haven’t got a lot of money really helps them out. Your charity is really good and I hope people can fund your charity to keep it running. Many thanks.’
JB April 2024
HMP/YOI Aylesbury
‘I am writing to say thank you, and how grateful I am for the award of £50 and and your Trustees gave me, it has allowed me to buy some warm clothes but most of all is the feeling I have not to be in prison clothes anymore.
So please tell your funders I am extremely grateful and cannot thank them enough.’
JG April 2024
HMP/YOI Aylesbury
” I wanted to write you this letter to say thank you to you and BACO organisation for the grant I was recently awarded for £120 towards buying some clothes and it has really helped me, I’ve been able to buy various items which will last me a good while. I really appreciate there being an organisation like yours, I really appreciate you all. Thank you!”
HMP Grendon
April 2024
‘I am just writing with gratitude too yourself Andrew and BACO for hearing my plea and request and honouring it and helping me in a difficult time. The aid you give & I receive is magnified exponentially in these kind of circumstances and should definitely not be forgotten and should be cherished, so thank you.’
HMP Springhill
February 2024
‘The young person says a big thank you for the laptop. He is now able to do the coursework from college more comfortably (was using his phone to do it before, without much success). Mum attended a parents’ evening recently and said that the feedback from the tutors was very good in relation to coursework and learning’.
From a Buckinghamshire Youth Offending Service Officer
February 2024
‘Since I’ve been in Prison I have received no help whatsoever. After applying to BACO I have had help with my clothing and training, this has helped me with my confidence and helped me with my employability upon release, you have helped me now and in ways you couldn’t imagine. I think the work you do is amazing without you knowing about it.
You cannot understand my gratitude and praise for your help, I can definitely say you have helped to make me a better person.
I would again like to thank you for helping me and hope others you hope will benefit as I have. Keep up the good work.
All my gratitude and thanks, sincerely’
HMP Springhill
‘I just wanted to express my grateful thanks to you all, for providing me with a grant £200 to help pay for my open University fees.’
HMP Grendon
January 2024
“My Name is AO and I received a grant of £250 from BACO, this will go towards my electrical installation level 3 NVQ and I really appreciate the opportunity this money will give me. I had the opportunity to mee the BACO Volunteers last week and can honestly say they are great people and should carry on doing what they are doing. They have a positive outlook on life and make me feel I can do better.”
HMP Springhill
December 2023
“To BACO, all it’s staff and donors
I would like to say a HUGE thank you for my grant of £40 for bedding which I will be ordering on my canteen as soon as said funds are received. I have been after a duvet for months but found it nigh on impossible due to restricted funds and having to buy other essentials. Prison nights get very cold, (when the heating isn’t on)especially as the prison blankets are very lacking in their purpose. Thank you all again for the grant, it is very appreciated.”
November 2023
HMP/YOI Aylesbury
“Thank you for your recent correspondence recording your charity’s award. I will be purchasing a white shirt, a puma sweat jumper and joggings together with some gloves and a woolly hat, from the Gema clothing catalogue and M & M catalogue. It will be nice to wear my white shirt on Sunday’s at CofE Chapel. The chino’s never came in my size so the puma outfit will suffice in a change of clothes for both chapel and on the wing. Wearing new clothes will boost my self esteem no end. Thank you for your efforts, help upon this matter’.
November 2023
HMP/YOI Aylesbury
“I would like to start by saying thank you to the BACO Team for approving my clothing grant. Also a big thank you to the donors of BACO for the cash donation which has enabled me to buy clothing. It is a big help to me and has to be a massive weight lifted off my shoulders, as being able to afford clothing in prison is really hard on the little wages I get in Grendon.
Knowing people are approving of prisoners engaging in therapy is motivating for us all. Therapy is hard enough without having to worry about having the basic clothing. So once again I would like to say thank you.”
October 2023
HMP Grendon
“Thanks man. It gave me pride to go see my son while in fresh clothes.”
October 2023 New Leaf/Probation
“I was walking around for weeks in cold, wet clothes before I could get any help. The money meant I could get everything from underwear to a warm coat. It made me feel human.”
October 2023 New Leaf/Probation
“It’s just good to know somebody cares. Because of it I now have my eyesight back. Thank you for the extra money for clothes. It might be silly but it makes me emotional.”
October 2023 New Leaf/Probation
“Thank you so much for your help in getting my new stereo and DVD player, I really appreciate it. All of my time behind the door is spent trying to learn to play the guitar and listening to music so it is a massive help. In the future I am hoping to get some guitar books and DVD tutorials to help me learn a bit quicker but until then trying to play along to the music I like is helping me to improve quite steadily, so again, a massive thank you. BACO is a massive help to people like me who don’t have money sent in. It is very much appreciated.”
HMP Grendon
September 2023
“I am not someone who asks for financial support easily. I’ve lost so much since coming to prison. Relationship with my wife, my children, career, family, friends and my self respect. Your grant, your kindness has helped me ask for help….and replace clothes that are so full of holes or worn through that I’m embarrassed to raise my arm during groups to vote or walk down the corridor. Thank you BACO I cannot tell you what this means to me. When I am released I intend to return your kindness with interest so you can continue to help make other prisoners lives a little easier. “
RT, HMP Grendon, July 2023
“I felt I needed to write a thank you note to BACO for the exellent work that you do for us inmates at HMP Grendon. It means a lot to us to know people do care. You awarded me a grant for a stereo which has helped me so much as I’m not one to watch TV, I could not of got this without your help and I will be forever grateful to BACO.”
CW, HMP Grendon, August 2023
“ZA is a care leaver. BACO provided him with a donation which bought him a bike, a lock, lights and a toolkit. This has provided ZA not only with a mode of transport to attend interviews, but it means he can attend other appointments and also see his friends much easier too.”
HMPPS, August 2023
” I want to say thank you to the donators of my grant, I was able to purchase some new clothes for visits and special days, this really helps as I don’t have supportive family so THANK YOU, I am very thankful for your help and kindness.”
AR, HMP Grendon, July 2023
‘We met on F Wing Social day, Thursday. I have recently received money from BACO to purchase some clothes. I would like to say thank you very much and to apologise that it has taken me a while to write , as I was saying when we met that I am not a letter writer and have asked someone else to help me write this letter. I do appreciate what you have done for me. Many thanks again’
HMP Grendon
December 2022
‘The recent social day which you attended was a resounding success, all our residents enjoyed your company and speaking to you all about our journey so far, opportunities to progress and knowing that organisations and people like yourself are there to support prisoners, who are committed to checking themselves into people who can live law abiding lives.
Thank you very much for giving of your time and experience to our community and I hope that we also gave you a better understanding of what we are trying to achieve here at Grendon.’
HMP Grendon, November 2022
‘I am writing to thank you for the recent grant for new clothes and a CD system that i received from yourselves. I have now purchased all of the items.
It’s been absolutely fantastic, a after a hard day’s therapy, to unwind listening to my new stereo: so relaxing. It makes a real difference.
The new clothes help me to keep a sense of individuality and normality in the sometimes austere and ‘cold’ environment of prison.
Once again, thanks! The work that you do makes a huge difference to so many people.’
HMP Grendon November 2022
BACO was asked by Bucks Youth Offending Team if we could help a young adult with mental health challenges if we would be able to purchase a bicycle so he could access appointments, training and be less isolated. This is what we received from his officer.
I just wanted to feedback (which I am sure doesn’t happen often enough). R S collected his bike this afternoon almost bringing staff members to tears. When he was given the bike he stated “I’ve never had a new bike before, no one has ever done something like this for me”. Hopefully this has installed some positivity into him, that there are positive influences in society that can help him and will aid his future decisions.
May 2022
“Thank you for giving me a helping hand towards my next chapter. I’m slowly moving towards freedom after almost 15 years behind a door, so thank you for helping me become more independent”.
March 2022
“I would like to say thank you for kindness and generosity for the grant I received from you. As I have been personally helped by your charity I would like to let you know how your kindness helps people in different ways. BACO helps prisoners by giving them grants to purchase electrical items, clothes, hobbies and more. Your donations help on a more personal note by way of freeing up up what money we have to put on phone credits to speak to family and friends which we would not be able to do if we had to save for many weeks. It is also a boost for self-esteem to know people are willing to donate their hard earned money to help prisoners, which shows us people are prepared to give prisoners a chance and gives us hope for a better future.
With the current covid crisis people on the outside and in prison have spent many months indoors and had our mental health strained but with your generous donations to help us purchase dvd players and more you have made it that bit easier. These are just a few ways your kindness and generosity helps people in prison. We thank you all for what you do and what you stand for to help others without judgement. As a token of our appreciation the men on our wing have chosen BACO as our charity to do fundraising for and hope to give something back as soon as we can.”
July 2021
“Thank you for your help. It was needed and will help me.”
June 2021
” I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the very generous grant you have provided to me. Almost after a decade served on this sentence, this suit will be invaluable in shedding the ‘prisoner’ mentality and resuming my place in society. I don’t think I can overstate how important this is to me. Thank you again.”
June 2021
” Thank you for your donation. It really means a lot to be able to get the funding to put towards all my painting equipment. Having this money should really help me get into full time work and with out it , I would really have struggled”.
June 2021
I would like to use this opportunity to thank BACO and its donors for their support. Their help will enable me to be work-ready with suitable PPE once the time comes for me to seek and find preferred employment as a carpenter once again. Thankyou for your support as it is going to be a huge help on my journey in my future employment.
June 2021
“Thank you so much to BACO’s grant. It has helped me to buy PPE for when I do the PTS course, also for use in future employment when I leave prison. It will also pay for my CSCS card which is vital for obtaining works on construction sites. This grant will be greatly appreciated as it will avoid me putting pressure on my family and asking for the money which they would find hard to come by. It has relieved a lot of stress to have this card. Thank you.”
May 21
“Firstly I would like to thank you BACO for their help and support in granting me £65.00 for my driving licence. This funding will now give me the opportunity to be fully mobile once I’m released and enable me to be in a position to seek work and or travel to and from work once I’ve secured it. Thank you for all your help and support , it is much appreciated.”
May 2021
“I would like to once again thank BACO and its donors for all their help and support in offering me an award of £250. This will go towards the total cost of a digger 360, – 10 tonne and above course. Competing this course will enable me to start a new career within the Construction Industry. It is m intention to work in all construction enviroments including HS2. I currently have an offer of employment once I have completed this course. So once again thank you very much for all your support.”
May 2021
“I would like to thank you for the £250 funding towards my CPCS Excavator Course. I am now in full time employment with my new qualification and will continue to work with the company upon my release.
Kind Regards”
HMP Springhill
April 2021
“I am writing to thank you for the recent clothing grant awarded to me by BACO.
It is very easy for one’s identity to be lost or diminished in prison, especially for those of us who are serving long sentences. Being able to wear smart, non-prison clothing, to one’s own taste and choosing is hugely important in off-setting this. Personally, when I am freshly showered and I slip on my own smart clothing and shoes, my feel-good factor and self-esteem both thrive.
The work of BACO is fantastic in helping so many people to take an edge off prison life. Your work and dedication is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.”
April 2021
HMP Grendon
“Today I received confirmation that my application was accepted and a grant awarded for me to purchase a set of Pro Fitness Resistance bands. This letter is for you and the Donors of BACO to show my appreciation.
This year has been a struggle for the whole world and being in prison is even more limiting to a person. On top of this covid pandemic, a year ago in June 2020 I ended up in hospital for nine days. I was diagnosed with a chronic disease which I will have for life , the shock alone mixed with the restrictions of covid was almost too much to bear and I was already suffering with a previous back injury; my health and fitness have dramatically deteriorated.
One way to start my recovery and stabilise my health was advised by a Doctor and a Physiotherapist, so I applied for help to buy resistance bands. Knowing that there are people out there who when going through a pandemic themselves will still reach out and this warms my heart. I’ve lost everyone through your past behaviour and sometimes doubt that there are decent, caring and sincere people in the World and then BACO comes along and says’ I know its hard, we don’t judge you, have a second chance’.
These resistance bands costing £29.99 will not seem a lot to most but to me its a new start, its a message and gift of support. Its my future health.
I am so grateful to you all and hope this message reaches as many donors as possible. Not everyone leaving prison will succeed but thanks to organisations like BACO people will lead successful and happy lives, all we need is a chance.”
April 2021
” I am very thankful for the help of BACO, a very friendly and efficient service. This will help me in laying the foundation for my future release from custody. Many thanks”
March 2021
“To know that there are people out there who are willing to give up their hard earned funds to someone who has done something wrong, has shaped my perspective on life. To know that there are good people out there who want to cultivate empathy and love. Special thanks to Fiona for her quick and supportive response. God bless you all!”
March 2021
“Just a letter to say thank you for the laptop and soon to be dumbells. I’m especially thankful as these both contribute to me being a better person and doing something with myself. Many thanks.”
February 2021
Buckinghamshire Youth Offending Service
“I recently received a BACO grant to help me buy some work clothes. This money was so welcome especially during these times of hardship. Having spent many years in prison, raising funds to prepare for work is difficult and long term your generosity will help me gain employment and help reduce my risk of re-offending.
Thank you ever so much.”
“Thank you very much for the grant. It will help me get back to work and help me stop reoffending also help me loads with ID. Thank you once again.”
“Good day Ruth. Thank you very much for your generous £120 grant. It has allowed me to obtain some clothes lost during my ongoing prison sentence. It has allowed me a sense of individuality and self respect, mindful of the positive focus as a result of this. Allowing this can only strengthen rehabilitative chances and encourage further positive growth.
“Once again, I totally appreciate your help and acknowledgement of my situation and urge you to keep up the good work in offering a chance for prisoners to feel there is a chance to become better people. Self respect goes a long way.”
“Ruth from BACO, thank you for all your help and support, from all the lads on F Wing, HMP Grendon”
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank BACO and its donors for the £250 I have been awarded. This award means so much to me. It will enable me, with the other awards to undertake a Digger 360 course, which I need, in order to pursue and start a new career within the construction industry. I also have a potential job offer once the course has been completed. Otherwise it is my intention to work within all construction environments, commercial, domestic and I’d especially like to work within infrastructure and HS2. With this course completed, it will definitely open up a much wider window of employment opportunities for me in the future. “
Yours faithfully MF
February 2021
“Many thanks for your letter dated the 14th August confirming my application for a grant to purchase some clothes. The grant is warmly appreciated and I thank you all at Baco for your time and massive efforts.
I am pleased to hear you are all keeping safe and well despite the current difficulties we are all facing.
So today, I was told I will be moving to HMP Springhill on the 7th September after a two week isolation period. I am nervously happy to move after almost 6 months of confinement and 5 years in a prison cell.
One other reason I wanted to say, that once I am settled at Springhill if there is a capacity in any shape or form that i can give my time and assistance to aid Baco I will gladly help you.
I have written an accompanying letter that I hope you will use to show your donors that their contributions are highly valued and the impact they have in assisting me to make life changing decisions.
Once the lockdown eases and I am settled, it will be great to see you at Springhill at some point. Once again ‘thank you’. Keep safe and well. Bye for now.
August 2020
“Thank you for the £15 for a T shirt. It will help as I got to ask my kids for money for things I need in prison. I’m from North Wales and I cannot thank you and all the Baco charity.”
October 2020
“Thank you so much for the £99.99 (£100) cheque that was granted from BACO for essential clothing and beard trimmers this is very helpful and needed donation at these struggling times. Prison is a place where your little wages at £10 a week has to cover phone credit to keep in contact with your loved ones (partner and 2 children) and toiletries to keep clean and canteen. £10 wages doesn’t stretch that far. Being able to buy clothes and electrical items is really a privilege. My partner is on full time work but just about makes ends meet with bills and to look after 2 kids. Having something like Baco is a blessing and is very generous you don’t understand how much it means to me and probably so many others. Yourself and everybody who works at BACO are very kind and I wish yourself and everybody who works with Baco a happy and healthy life and I pray all your prayers and dreams are answered. God Bless.
P.S. After moving from HMP Grendon to HMP Bullingdon to HMP Woodhill now thank you for honour the grant thank you very much. I pray for your family and everyone at Baco are keeping safe through Covid 19. Kind regards
October 2020
Thank you for your reply to my funding request on 16th October. I was very happy to find out I was funded £250 towards the P.T.S. course as it meant that the future I have envisaged for myself for so long has become that bit more tangible.
It also stands me in good stead when applying for the remainder of the funding from other charities as they tend to like seeing evidence of funding from different charities. I now have this thanks to you so again, thank you very much from not only me , but on behalf of my family as well, as they are delighted to see my pro-social attitude towards resettlement.
I will contact you as soon as I secure the remainder of the funding for the course, which will hopefully be sooner rather than later.”
October 2020
“Hello, I just wanted to thank you for my award for funding. Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions I have as yet not been able to utilise it. Please know that as soon as I am able to I will book on to a course which will really help me”
November 2020
“Thank you to BACO for offering a grant towards a passport for my client. He requires two forms of ID before being able to enrol in college, citizenship cards are no longer sufficient. In 2019 BACO supported him with a grant towards a provisional driving licence so that he could open a bank account and put some money towards some trainers when he was sleeping rough. He is now managing his own benefits and no longer needs to rely on food parcels and is living in temporary accommodation. With his new found stability he has begun to set positive goals for the future. He has undertaken a few days work with a friend who is a landscape gardener and found that he has some aptitude in this area. He would now like to learn more about this trade by attending a college course in Aylesbury and needs two forms of identification to enrol. He has saved enough money from his benefits to pay for half of the passport fee of £82.50 and would be very grateful to BACO if they could make up the difference.”
CK Probation Officer
“I would like to thank BACO for this contribution for work tools. This money will be able to me to get to work and start getting my life back in order to support my family.”
“Baco’s support will help me gain my HGV Licence, which will in turn assist me in gaining full time employment. This will allow me to start rebuilding my life and become financially stable.
Thank you for supporting me in my new start.”
“The help that I have received from BACO’s contributions have been life changing to me and my family for now and the near future. They have given me an extra chance to turn my life around with a rapid 360 degree response to my legal way of living on returning back to the community. Thanks to BACO’s founder and the staff and all the lovely people that had taken their precious time out to make sure they provide this constructive and meaningful service. Can’t say enough thanks to all that’s made this possible for me and my family to look forward to a brighter future. The doors that BACO’s opened for me will never be forgotten.”
“I am thankful to BACO for their support and help. This has boosted my confidence and makes me feel that I am progressing to put things right and get my life back together. Thank you BACO.”
“I am very grateful to BACO for the grant of £36 for getting my CSCS card which lasts for 5 years and allows me to work on Construction Sties across the UK. The process has been very proactive experience. The lady that met me at Springhill was polite, helpful and encouraging. I am thankful. Thank you BACO team. God Bless you”
“In September 2019 I applied for funding from BACO in order to enrol on a telescopic handlers course! Today I had a brief meeting with two of BACO’s Workers and was offered the money that I had requested. This will be of huge help in my progression whilst in custody and once released. I would recommend BACO to other Individuals who like myself want to better themselves but need financial help in order to do so!”
“A massive thank you. BACO really helps prisoners on a minimum wage. Thanks to BACO supporters”
“This will help me to attain employment on my release back into the Community. Everything that can make this happen is a blessing as otherwise it would be a struggle not to have a little help towards this final goal to assist resettlment back into the community and this is deeply appreciated. Thank you very much for your help.”
“With the help of BACO I’ll be able to get work on release with the fund to replace my Driving Licnece and fund my CSCS card.”
“I am very grateful to BACO for the Grant of £36 for getting my CSCS card which lasts for five years and allows me to work on Construction Sites across the UK. The process has been a very proactive experience. The lady that met me at Springhill was polite, helpful and encouraging. I am thankful. Thank you BACO team. God Bless you.”
“This will benefit me in a wide variety of ways. First it will give me the option of finding driving work and also be a massive sense of achievement. Thank you”
“BACO has helped to get my driving test sorted, to me it’s vital as I have two daughters and as I don’t live with them, it would make a difference if I could drive to pick them up from school, plan family days out and most of all be able to drive to work. I want BACO to know just how greatful I am. Couldn’t thank you enough. God bless”
“Through BACO’s funding I have been able to purchase my guitar. For me this means that I have an outlet that has a positive impact on my mental health. Since having the guitar myself and others have noticed a significant improvement in my moods also my song writing is going exceptionaly well and I am beginning to feel more confident. I would just like to say thank you for helping me get a guitar”
“Many thanks for the grant you provided to ‘my client’. He was really pleased with his new clothes purchased from Primark (I went with him) and said he felt much more civilised with fresh new clothes and an opportunity to have a change of clothes.”
Manager with Thames Valley CRC
“I think BACO is a nice organisation doing brilliant things, helping people in circumstances that they might need to move forward with their life.”
“Thank you so much for your help and funding. Its nice to have someone believe in me and give me a chance to have a fresh start and better my life. It is hugely appreciated.”
“I would like to thank BACO for the opportunity in appearing smart for my first job interview in eight years. The ladies who came to see me in Springhill prison were great and very helpful. Thank you”
“Thank you for your help. It is invaluable – especially for a long-termer. Many thanks.”
“This will help with my confidence for when I get out of prison. It will also ease my strength levels because before I got offered this funding I was worrying about how I was going to fund clothing. I really do appreciate it, thanks again! The positive impact is real.”
“I want to thank BACO for helping me fund my driving. It means so much to me as I have finish my plumbing and I am going to need to be driving so this has really helped me a lot. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible”
“I am greatful for the grant by BACO, as I have been in prison for nearly 5 years and without the help from charities such as BACO I wouldn’t be able to enhance my chances of employment upon release. I would like to say thank you to BACO for help and support they have shown.”
“This is so important to me as a long term serving prisoner, the funds to be able to gain a driving licence is vital and BACO have come through for me. I sincerely appreciate this as I have no means of paying this sum asked for. THANK YOU very much.”
“I am most grateful for your offer of £200. This will be put into good use and give some more confidence to do well on the chosen course. This will help me build confidence into training, finding employment and building relations with my family, so I thank you again.”
“I would like to thank you for the kind donation received from your organisation. With your donation and my own funds I have been able to undertake a level three course in Sports Coaching. With the qualification and others I will put them to good use on release from prison in helping my peers look after their health and fitness in their later years. ”
“I am most grateful for your offer of £200 towards my Personal Track Safety course. This will be put to good use and gives me more confidence to do well on the course. This will help me build confidence into training, finding employment and building relations with my family so I thank you again.”